Technology Policy SSUNS 2025
SSUNS 2025 will be run as a hybrid conference, with the technology policy for GAs/ECOSOCs and Specialized Agencies differing from that for the Crisis portfolio.
General Assemblies, Economic and Social Councils, Specialized Agencies
General Assemblies, Economic and Social Councils, and Specialized Agencies will be run as paperless committees with Slack being used as the main form of communication between Dais members, staffers, and delegates. Slack is an official messaging program designed for teamwork and collaboration. Due to SSUNS taking on a paperless format for these committees, delegates will be able to use laptops/personal devices during committee; both in-room and out-room. Moreover, despite this allowance of technology, delegates are still expected to come prepared with their research done prior to the conference. During moderated caucuses, delegates are expected to be paying attention and giving respect to their fellow delegates making speeches. This means that during this time devices should be used only for “sending notes” to other delegates; it is not permitted to work on working papers or draft resolutions nor do any additional research on personal devices. For Specialized Agencies specifically, directives, in addition to working papers, will be done on google docs.
Please join the slack channels prior to the start of the conference. The links can be found in the Delegate Handbook. Upon joining the slack channel please rename yourselves to include your name, country/character assignment, and pronouns (if comfortable).
SSUNS 2025 will be returning back to paper for its Crisis committees only. Delegates will be required to use paper to pass notes between each other, to write directives, and to send crisis notes to the backroom. To standardize directives and crisis notes, we ask that all delegates use 8.5x11in sized notebooks or legal pads. With SSUNS’ commitment to sustainability, we will not be providing delegates with notepads and thus ask that all delegates bring their own; the conference’s crisis committees use a two-notepad system, necessitating that delegates each bring two notebooks/legal pads.
For any questions regarding the tech policy at SSUNS or technical issues (with respect to committees), please contact