Coordinator Position Descriptions:
Logistics Coordinators:
Administration Coordinator:
The Administration Coordinator will work with the Undersecretary-General Administration on various logistical tasks: managing the SSUNS website, communicating with merchandise vendors and coordinating content for the Delegate Handbook. During the Conference, the Admin Coord will run the Delegate Resource Center along with the DRC coordinators. The candidate must have strong organizational and communication skills and must be a flexible team player. French and English bilingualism and experience with website management are not required but are assets to the candidate.
Registration Coordinator:
The Registration Coordinators will work with the Chargée d'Affaires and Team Registration on outreach concerning faculty advisors, delegates, and the recruitment of new delegations. The ideal candidate has strong organizational skills, a good understanding of Excel and PowerPoint, and is comfortable with cold calling and public speaking.
Events Coordinator:
Events Coordinators work with the Director of Events and are responsible for helping the organization and the unfolding of all events leading up to and during the conference. These include being present on SSUNS days to facilitate the sales and recruit staffers, helping at staff events, in which they must assist with finding venues, barter drink deals, and host the events. They are also responsible for coordinating the Delegate Dance which includes renting relevant equipment and decorating the room. Event Coordinators also oversee the running of the ICAO and McGill campus tours that are planned for this year. Applicants with strong organizational and event-planning skills are preferred for this position!
Translation Coordinator:
The Translation Coordinator will be responsible for translating conference materials from English to French. Bilingualism is necessary and the ideal candidate has strong communication and collaboration skills as they will be working with all portfolios in the time leading up to the conference. This position will involve collaboration with multiple secretariat portfolios.
Finance Coordiantor:
The Finance Coordinator will work with the Undersecretary-General Finance to compile and manage the conference budget, issue invoices and bursaries to delegations, and oversee cash management and delegate registration during the conference. Experience with accounting and balancing budgets is an asset.
Equity Coordinator:
The Equity Coordinators will collaborate closely with the Chief of Human Resources to organize equity training for the Secretariat, Coordinators, daises, and staffers. The Equity Coordinators and Chief of Human Resources will be primarily responsible for the wellbeing of SSUNS staff over the conference in November. As such, they may be privy to sensitive information related to equity, meaning there is a great deal of trust associated with this position. The ideal Equity Coordinator is empathetic, has strong active listening skills, and has had previous equity training and/or disclosure training.
Public Relations Coordinators:
Design Coordinator:
The Design Coordinator works with the Deputy Director of PR: Creative Media and is responsible for creating the designs which will be used on the various advertising platforms and conference materials of SSUNS. They will be interacting with different portfolios within SSUNS and must have good organizational skills. Responsibilities include designing Instagram posts and logos. The Design Coordinator must be familiar with software to create computer-generated designs. The ideal applicant is creative and proficient in computer design programs. Graphic design skills are essential for this position.
Videography Coordinator:
Videography Coordinators work with the Deputy Director of PR: Creative Media and are responsible for official videos of events leading up to and throughout SSUNS. Their tasks include taking and editing videos, creating and compiling footage for viewing at the conference, and posting photos on the official SSUNS social media pages. Editing and video production experience is ideal for this position. Applicants will be required to submit a portfolio , and will also need to have knowledge or experience in taking and editing videos.
Photography Coordinator:
Photography Coordinators work with the Deputy Director of PR: Creative Media and are responsible for official pictures of events leading up to and throughout SSUNS. Their tasks include taking and editing photos, creating and compiling footage for viewing at the conference, and posting photos on the official SSUNS social media pages. Editing experience is ideal for this position. Applicants will be required to submit a portfolio, and will also need to have knowledge or experience in taking and editing photos.
Branding Coordinator:
Branding Coordinator works with the Deputy Director of PR: Branding Design and would be assisting the deputy for SSUNS branding-related projects. Examples include the Delegate handbook, the Dais preparation guide, badges, placards, website designs and merch. Having experience with canva and branding are great assets for this position.
Graphic Design Coordinator:
The Graphic Design Coordinator works with the Deputy Director of PR: Branding Design and would be responsible for devising SSUNS drawings, designs, and illustrations. Examples include a t-shirt that contains unique imagery representing the SSUNS 2025 Conference, creating new and original sticker designs and working on website designs. The ideal applicant has a creative flair and a strong inclination towards graphic design. Familiarity with graphic design platforms is an asset.
Stakeholder Outreach Coordinator:
The outreach coordinator assists the Deputy Director of PR: External Outreach and the Director of PR with sponsorship related duties, along with obtaining speakers (committee and keynote) and helping out with our charity partnership. The outreach coordinator will also help out in running the SSUNS walkway, and crafting engagement strategies.