Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC)


The Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, also known as ECLAC, is one of  the five United Nations regional commissions. Founded in 1948, ECLAC was originally created to promote economic development in Latin America and to strengthen economic and trade relations with other countries in the world. As of July 1984, the scope of its work was broadened to include the Caribbean region and to incorporate the mission of fostering social development through regional and subregional cooperation and integration. Concentrated on an incredibly diverse and ever-shifting region, ECLAC serves as the centre of excellence for its member states and associated institutions. 

This year at SSUNS 2021, member nations will be invited to the ECLAC to address matters related to the political economy of populism in Latin America and the Caribbean. Populism has always been a powerful force in Latin America politics, in a way unlike any other region in history. The past 100 years have seen the development of three distinct waves of populism: the first beginning in the 1920s and lasting until the 1960s, the second beginning in the early 1990s, and the third wave rising up in the late 90s and lasting through the present day. With promises of emphasis on “the people” and varying degrees of success, the implementation of populism has been as diverse as the region itself. However, it is widely regarded that populism is “to reform the system, not overthrow it.”

The focus of this committee will be guided by the subtopics of populism’s effects on vulnerable and marginalized groups, and economic development. Delegates will be strongly encouraged to analyze the consequences that may arise from nationalization, the redistribution of income, and the emergence of ethno-populist parties. The goal of this committee is not to encourage nor discourage populism, but rather find solutions to economic and social issues presented or compounded by populist politics.

The Dais is excited to meet all of the delegates at SSUNS 2021!

If you have any questions regarding the committee, please feel free to email us at


Your Dais:

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Paola Martinez


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Alexandra Le Breton


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Conrad Mahony


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Jenna Dube
